How do I switch from private practice to an in-house legal role?

Fiona Craig suggests few things to consider when applying for an in-house role as a lawyer in private practice.

By - 2 min read

Why do I need a LinkedIn profile?

There may be value in having a LinkedIn profile, even if you are happy in your current role.

By - 3 min read

How do I know if partnership is something I really want?

Fiona Craig provides advice on how to make career decisions and move forward.

By - 3 min read

How can I increase my chances for promotion?

Shine bright with these tips to showcase your achievements during your firm’s annual performance review.

By - 3 min read

How do I deal with the lack of privacy in an open-plan office?

Love them or not open-plan offices are fast becoming the norm. Luckily there are ways to work effectively in a shared space.

By - 3 min read

What can I do to move out of a career rut?

Stuck in a rut? Check out these suggestions to help you get on the track you want.

By - 3 min read

Boss or leader: is there really a difference?

The key to good leadership is that, as well as being likeable, leaders aren’t afraid to make hard calls. However, not all bosses are leaders.

By - 3 min read

7 ways to maximise the Millennial Effect

If we believed everything we read about Millenials, or “Gen Y”, we’d have organisations full of self-entitled, narcissistic, lazy people who have zero loyalty.

By - 4 min read