Dear Fiona,
I work in an open-plan office and I enjoy a chat with my co-workers every now and then. I’ll admit there have been a few times when our conversation have become a bit loud and distracting to my colleagues. At other times, I have experienced the distraction myself. I’ve also been on the receiving end of difficult feedback from my manager, which was delivered in the office for all to hear. What are your tips for dealing with the lack of privacy in an open-plan office? Hope you can help.
Dear Patricia,
Open plan – the nemesis of many a lawyer!
During my years coaching this has been a question I have had to deal with from many of my lawyer clients. Of course, the nature of the work many lawyers do means that being able to concentrate is key. The new wave of collaborative work spaces addresses that need in many ways, with cozy corners and private workstations to retreat to when you need them most.
But working in an open-plan environment requires more than just being able to concentrate, it requires changes in behaviour (personal and group).