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A few missed words can lead to misunderstandings and negative consequences, the courtroom and beyond.

How to know when you’re too sick to train

What’s the rule for training when you’ve got a cold?

How to make healthy choices a habit

Most of us are aware of the healthy routines we should follow, but few of us do it. Check out these tips on how to…

Feed your brain

Food can boost your mental and physical powers.

Can you push your brain too far?

How to manage your body clock when working across international time zones.

Stretching: you’re doing it wrong

Studies show that traditional stretching may hinder rather than help before your workout. Dynamic stretching is the way to go.

Don’t be derailed by disruption

Even the briefest break in concentration can have a long-lasting impact on your productivity and mental health.

How lawyers can fuel their brain

4 ways to master the power of pause.

Five fitness apps worth the download

Need motivation to exercise? There’s an app for that.

Mindfulness: venturing beyond the buzz word

What you do with the few seconds between an event and your response to it can be the difference between a bad reaction and a…