Should you swear in the office?

Most employees have felt the prickly urge to tell their bosses where to go at some point in their career, so it’s easy to empathise…

4 ways to make meetings more productive

Make meetings less painful and more productive by following these healthy suggestions

How to make presentations more interesting

Aim to make your audiences feel better after a presentation than when they walked in.

R U OK to start a conversation with a colleague about depression?

Law firms can keep the R U OK? conversation to support mental health support  going throughout the year.

How can I thrive at work if I don’t like my boss?

Strategies on how to thrive at work if you don’t admire or like your boss can make life much easier.

Why you should say ‘no’ to your clients

Sometimes pushing back is in the client’s best interest.

What I wish I knew… Justice Julie Ward

NSW Supreme Court Justice Julie Ward passes on an important lesson for solicitors … triple check emails before sending them.

How do I deal with the lack of privacy in an open-plan office?

Love them or not open-plan offices are fast becoming the norm. Luckily there are ways to work effectively in a shared space.

Clarifying your (evolving) retainer

The retainer agreement is the best evidence of the parties’ intention and the client’s instructions at the time the scope of the work was agreed…

Boss or leader: is there really a difference?

The key to good leadership is that, as well as being likeable, leaders aren’t afraid to make hard calls. However, not all bosses are leaders.