Will lawyers exercise the right to disconnect?
Whether the legal profession takes advantage depends on an openness to culture change and reimagining client relationships.
Whether the legal profession takes advantage depends on an openness to culture change and reimagining client relationships.
Work-life balance may seem like an impossible dream but recovery is the secret sauce that keeps burnout at bay.
With the age Australians qualify for the pension recently raised to 67, we are living and working longer – but as a new study reveals, not…
Working from home can be productive … until the cat wants to go out, the laundry needs doing and the children/significant other/neighbours want your attention….
If you think you might fancy long weekends year round, then the four-day work week may be just the ticket to a better life.
Laura Vanderkam, author of I Know How She Does It, says the only way to spend less time on email is to choose to give…
As highly-strung people with Type A personalities, lawyers excel at overthinking and overanalysing situations, especially when it comes to work. It’s not healthy and, frankly,…
Working from home comes with its own challenges. Learn how to make the most of it with these tips.
Clyde & Co partner Alena Titterton talks about how musical theatre became her forte.
It’s that time of year again – we make a beeline for the couch and comfort food when the temperature dips to ward off the…
How can flexible working policies benefit you?
Are you a workaholic or do you thrive on working hard? The difference may mean a lot to your health, according to research by management…
Is your job making you anxious?