How to give negative feedback with a positive result

We’ve all heard horror stories of feedback that’s gone wrong – and the consequences: resentment, disengagement and anger.

Lead the way to better meetings

Try these four tips from management specialist Morten Hansen to encourage healthy debate during meetings.

How do I make the most of the silly season?

There are lessons you can take from the crazy season you can incorporate all year round.

How can I thrive at work if I don’t like my boss?

Strategies on how to thrive at work if you don’t admire or like your boss can make life much easier.

Boss or leader: is there really a difference?

The key to good leadership is that, as well as being likeable, leaders aren’t afraid to make hard calls. However, not all bosses are leaders.

7 ways to maximise the Millennial Effect

If we believed everything we read about Millenials, or “Gen Y”, we’d have organisations full of self-entitled, narcissistic, lazy people who have zero loyalty.

Moral courage

The 2016 Australian of the Year, Lieutenant General David Morrison AO (Rtd), will deliver the Tristan Jepson Memorial Foundation Lecture on 13 October 2016.

Are you supervising as you should? Your staff & your practice depend on it

Principals and solicitors with ‘designated responsibility’ also have statutory obligations to exercise ‘reasonable supervision’ over their staff and the legal services provided by the firm….