Court of Appeal re-characterises ‘public purpose’ under Just Terms Act
Overturning a decision in the NSWLEC, this decision has significant implications for public land acquisitions across the State.
By Alex Beale and Tom White - 2 min readOverturning a decision in the NSWLEC, this decision has significant implications for public land acquisitions across the State.
By Alex Beale and Tom White - 2 min readE-conveyancing tools can be tricky and a recent decision shows how PEXA misuse can lead to caveats being overlooked.
By Greg Channell - 2 min readFollowing some simple steps in how you respond to a nuisance can mitigate the likelihood of it going to court.
By Allison Benson and Andrew Fairfield - 2 min readGet across recent changes to the law on constructing and acquiring residential apartments as purchasers are increasingly protected.
By Michael Osborne, Elly Ashley and Owen Kiely - 2 min readWhat can further regulation achieve? The lessons we can learn from the Hayne Royal Commission on strata management reform.
By Matthew Lo - 2 min readShowing Revenue NSW you are eligible for the PPE can be tricky. Find out what you will need to be successful first time.
By Dung Lam and Annika Lawrie - 1 min readHas legislative intervention gone too far? This NSWCA decision on a new design and building duty of care has big ramifications for the industry.
By Keith Redenbach - 2 min readJen McMillan unpacks the Court’s narrow interpretation of ‘ordinarily resident’ and provides valuable practice notes and updates on residential land purchasing.
By Jen McMillan - 2 min readThe NSW Supreme Court has affirmed Queensland precedent making clawback provisions in lease agreements largely unenforceable.
By Anthony Herro - 2 min readGranny flat arrangements can address socio-economic issues but complex legal and financial issues can arise when parties fail to document their arrangement.
By John Clarke and Abby Landy - 2 min readCourts have held that a solicitor’s role can extend to advising on and severing joint tenancies where applicable.
By Sophie Duffy and Charu Stevenson - 1 min readAll but three amendments in the Strata Legislation Amendment Act 2023 are now in force and the changes apply to both strata and community title…
By Allison Benson - 2 min readThe Supreme Court has handed down an important decision dealing with electronic caveats lodged online.
By Elyse Di Stefano - 1 min read