Protecting purchasers from defective building work

Get across recent changes to the law on constructing and acquiring residential apartments as purchasers are increasingly protected.

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Toothpaste for the toothless: why stricter rules are not enough for strata misconduct

What can further regulation achieve? The lessons we can learn from the Hayne Royal Commission on strata management reform.

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Practical tips on claiming NSW Primary Production Duty Exemption

Showing Revenue NSW you are eligible for the PPE can be tricky. Find out what you will need to be successful first time.

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The death of proportionate liability in NSW: is the obituary written in Pafburn?

Has legislative intervention gone too far? This NSWCA decision on a new design and building duty of care has big ramifications for the industry.

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The not-so-ordinary meaning of ‘ordinarily resident’

Jen McMillan unpacks the Court’s narrow interpretation of ‘ordinarily resident’ and provides valuable practice notes and updates on residential land purchasing.

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The enforceability of clawback provisions

The NSW Supreme Court has affirmed Queensland precedent making clawback provisions in lease agreements largely unenforceable.

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The complexities of granny flat interests

Granny flat arrangements can address socio-economic issues but complex legal and financial issues can arise when parties fail to document their arrangement.

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Will preparation and joint tenancies

Courts have held that a solicitor’s role can extend to advising on and severing joint tenancies where applicable.

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Don’t get caught out! Changes to strata title legislation

All but three amendments in the Strata Legislation Amendment Act 2023 are now in force and the changes apply to both strata and community title…

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Electronic caveats and their limitations

The Supreme Court has handed down an important decision dealing with electronic caveats lodged online.

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