Home building amendments: what you need to know

The Home Building Amendment Act 2014 makes substantial changes to some parts of the Home Building Act 1989. By DANIEL RUSSELL and KATHERINE FLYNN.

By and - 4 min read

Commenced: Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act 2010

The difficulties in conducting litigation across the Tasman Sea have been significantly diminished by the introduction of new federal legislation. On 11 October 2013, the Trans-Tasman…

By - 4 min read

Minors with money: court-authorised wills under the Succession Act

Wills made by minors are generally invalid, but the courts have started to use a new jurisdiction to authorise minors to make wills. By RICHARD…

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Liquidator’s liens: the principle in universal distributing considered

The issue in Stewart v Atco Controls Pty Ltd (in Liquidation) [2014] HCA 15 (7 May 2014) was whether a liquidator was entitled to an equitable lien…

By - 5 min read

Post-separation parenting: fair playing field or fundamental feminist agenda?

Parents of both genders can appear to treat children as objects to be passed between them. They need to shift their focus to what the…

By - 3 min read

Australian-Japan trade agreement signifies new phase in bilateral relations

The agreement will allow Japanese customers direct access to services provided by Australian entities in the legal, financial and telecommunications sectors. By DEANNA CONSTABLE, TIM…

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Workplace bullying: are Stop Bullying Orders really the answer?

Where stop bullying orders operate to outlaw any interaction, it is difficult to see how that working relationship can ever be “normal”. By AMBER SHARP.

By - 4 min read

The Bail Act 2013: what you need to know

The NSW Law Reform Commission has reviewed and reported on bail reform. The recommendations form the basis of many of the changes brought about by…

By - 6 min read

Water law in NSW: an overview

A water access licence allows for the licence and water allocation to be bought, sold, subdivided, consolidated and changed. BY JULIANNA KNEEBONE and DUNCAN BRAKELL.

By and - 4 min read

Theft or inspiration? Clear findings on copyright infringement

If the starting point for a designer is another designer’s work, it is a large hurdle for the defendant to prove there has not been…

By and - 4 min read