A new type of spinning class peddles the serenity and views of outdoor cycling in an indoor space in Sydney’s CBD.
Peddling away in a sweaty room with flashing lights, a shouting instructor and deafening dance music is close to my worst nightmare (I have been known to walk out of trendy sneaker shops because the music is too loud). This may be why I’ve never gravitated towards spin classes in my search for fast and effective group fitness options.
However, I recently caught the cycling bug at F45 classes, where sprinting or heavy resistance on the bike is often part of the circuit. I had a taste and wanted more of that euphoric feeling of smashing an intense sprint or hills session – without suffering ringing ears after each class.
Scenic Cycle caught my attention because it claimed an unusually serene element for a spin class: you ride a stationary bike in front of rolling scenery projected onto two 12-metre square screens. The idea is to make it feel as if you are actually cycling through the vista. No disco balls here – although there’s no guarantee you won’t see any MAMILs (Middle-Aged Men in Lycra).