R U OK to start a conversation with a colleague about depression?

Law firms can keep the R U OK? conversation to support mental health support  going throughout the year.

Are you burning out?

Picking up the early signs of burnout can avert a crisis from which it can take years to recover.

A day in the life of… Christine Morgan

As head of the Butterfly Foundation, Christine Morgan uses her legal skills to advocate for better services, research and knowledge of mental illnesses.

Lessons on vicarious trauma and wellbeing from a Royal Commission

Solicitor Anna Verney, who worked at the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse writes the Commission’s approach to vicarious trauma and the…

Section 32 Mental Health Act amendments fall short of recommended reform

Section 32 of the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 was amended, extending the divisionary regime to those with cognitive impairment. By KAREN WEEKS.

Take a digital diet

Cutting back on the digital onslaught might help ease your mind, as well as free up time.

The hardest letter I have ever written

Requesting leave to address mental health issues was one of the toughest things Magistrate David Heilpern has ever done.

Is your client sane?

A quick guide to assessing an expert’s assessment of mental health.

Learn to appreciate your emotional tapestry

Feeling high, feeling low? It’s all good for you.

Get into the swim of things

Swimming is a low-impact, high-reward activity that can make you smarter and happier.