The delicate balancing act that is industrial relations reform

Your guide to the most significant industrial relations reforms being considered in over a decade.

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: March 2021

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: February 2021

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: December 2020

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

Progress at last, but are we headed for a Claytons Commission?

A compelling analysis of the long awaited Commonwealth Integrity Commission Bill.    

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: November 2020

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: October 2020

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: September 2020

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

World’s defamation capital no more? NSW passes reforms

Long-awaited amendments to the Defamation Act 2005  have passed in NSW.

The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: August 2020

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.