Elder law & succession: April 2024

Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.

By - 10 min read

The complexities of granny flat interests

Granny flat arrangements can address socio-economic issues but complex legal and financial issues can arise when parties fail to document their arrangement.

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Cost of using employed solicitors in proceedings

The Court of Appeal has considered whether firms can recover costs for work done by employed solicitors when the firm is self-represented.

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Doli incapax and expert opinion evidence

The Court of Criminal Appeal has restricted the admissibility of certain expert evidence as to doli incapax in criminal cases involving children under 14.

By - 7 min read

High Court provides guidance on class action waiver clauses

Recent High Court decision has confirmed that a class action waiver clause in the Ruby Princess class action was an unfair term under the ACL.

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What does it mean to ‘survive’?

Practitioners will be familiar with the words ‘survive me’ in wills, but the word ‘survive’ has two different meanings.

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Meeting the obligation to consult in employment law

Employers have a legal obligation to consult employees when making significant workplace changes and guidance is needed on how to implement this duty.

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AI cannot be an inventor: Thaler litigation update

Issues raised by the litigation run deeper than technical issues of IP, and challenge our understanding of concepts such as the nature of personhood and…

By - 9 min read

Will preparation and joint tenancies

Courts have held that a solicitor’s role can extend to advising on and severing joint tenancies where applicable.

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The latest developments in law reform & advocacy: March 2024

The Law Society’s Policy and Practice team brings you a wrap-up of the most important issues of the moment.

By - 9 min read