Can lawyers save the world? An overview of emerging disaster law

As disasters of immense scale proliferate, the composite legal response is forming into an emergent and distinct area of practice.

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The great divergence of cultural heritage laws in Australia

A recent High Court decision laid bare the flimsy patchwork of cultural heritage laws in Australia. Where have we got it right or wrong?

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Asbestos mulch leads to shake-up of environment protection legislation

With some of the most significant changes in three decades, clients may be at risk of falling afoul of an empowered NSW EPA.

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Characterising the public purpose for compulsory acquisitions

The Castle gets a real life sequel as TfNSW steps up compulsory acquisitions for the Western Sydney Airport and it’s associated Aerotropolis.

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The death of proportionate liability in NSW: is the obituary written in Pafburn?

Has legislative intervention gone too far? This NSWCA decision on a new design and building duty of care has big ramifications for the industry.

By - 2 min read

Environment and Planning Law update 2023

Recent environment and planning law decisions examining court-approved development applications, Interim Heritage Orders and more.

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Escalated crackdown on greenwashing: Just the beginning?

Regulatory watchdogs, ASIC and ACCC, are cracking down on greenwashing claims made by businesses and the consequences for false green claims are greater than ever.

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Compensation for the resumption of rural land

With major infrastructure development in rural areas, lawyers should be knowledgeable of the Just Terms Act and what is compensable for resumption of land.

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Land and Environment Court update

The latest decisions from the Land & Environment Court involving jurisdictional preconditions, interpretation of savings provision and compulsory acquisitions.

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‘Hot law’: Law Society briefing paper identifies trends in climate change litigation

The Law Society of NSW Briefing Paper brings you up to speed with the latest trends, cases and future direction of climate change litigation.

By - 1 min read