The winding route to reviewing climate-related administrative decisions
How have courts responded to climate-related administrative challenges and are there inherent constraints in running such cases?
By Anna Huggins and Ellen Hawkins - 1 min readHow have courts responded to climate-related administrative challenges and are there inherent constraints in running such cases?
By Anna Huggins and Ellen Hawkins - 1 min readOverturning a decision in the NSWLEC, this decision has significant implications for public land acquisitions across the State.
By Alex Beale and Tom White - 2 min readNew climate reporting laws are likely to impact supply chains over time and require a holistic approach to ESG requirements.
By Barbara Vrettos - 2 min readAs disasters of immense scale proliferate, the composite legal response is forming into an emergent and distinct area of practice.
By Professor Lee Godden - 1 min readA recent High Court decision laid bare the flimsy patchwork of cultural heritage laws in Australia. Where have we got it right or wrong?
By Jonathan Fulcher - 1 min readWith some of the most significant changes in three decades, clients may be at risk of falling afoul of an empowered NSW EPA.
By Madeleine O'Connor - 1 min readThe Castle gets a real life sequel as TfNSW steps up compulsory acquisitions for the Western Sydney Airport and it’s associated Aerotropolis.
By Tom White and Alex Beale - 6 min readHas legislative intervention gone too far? This NSWCA decision on a new design and building duty of care has big ramifications for the industry.
By Keith Redenbach - 2 min readRecent environment and planning law decisions examining court-approved development applications, Interim Heritage Orders and more.
By Alistair Knox, Kristyn Glanville and Kyla Brunton - 2 min readRegulatory watchdogs, ASIC and ACCC, are cracking down on greenwashing claims made by businesses and the consequences for false green claims are greater than ever.
By Teresa Torcasio and Katie Lau - 2 min readWith major infrastructure development in rural areas, lawyers should be knowledgeable of the Just Terms Act and what is compensable for resumption of land.
By Andrew Beatty and Paul Day - 2 min readThe latest decisions from the Land & Environment Court involving jurisdictional preconditions, interpretation of savings provision and compulsory acquisitions.
By Alistair Knox and Erin Keogh - 3 min readThe Law Society of NSW Briefing Paper brings you up to speed with the latest trends, cases and future direction of climate change litigation.
By Andrew Small - 1 min read