NCAT affirms application of transfer duty to variation of trust deed
A recent NCAT decision applies the new ‘beneficial ownership’ provisions in the context of discretionary trust variation.
A recent NCAT decision applies the new ‘beneficial ownership’ provisions in the context of discretionary trust variation.
Picture this: your client wants to gift their capital gains but they’re dragging their feet and end of financial year is approaching…
Showing Revenue NSW you are eligible for the PPE can be tricky. Find out what you will need to be successful first time.
Jen McMillan unpacks the Court’s narrow interpretation of ‘ordinarily resident’ and provides valuable practice notes and updates on residential land purchasing.
Consider the landholder duty provisions whenever shares in a company or units in a unit trust are being transferred in landholding entities.
Solicitors should be aware when ‘GST free supply of farmland’ is applicable and whether the purchaser intends to ‘carry on a business’.
The importance of limiting retainers for property conveyances.
With Revenue NSW audits on the rise, we set out the extra precautions you should consider when acting for ‘foreign persons’ in real property transactions.
A closer look at the complex legal issues raised by crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe.