The dangers of communicating directly with the court

Practical guidance for legal practitioners on how to communicate with judges’ chambers.

When an inactive file becomes a problem

Inactive files can be ticking time-bombs, and ignoring them can be perilous.

Protecting yourself from claims – when a file note saves the day

Why your insurer wants you to improve your file notes.

How law firms can mitigate the risk of cyber attacks

Addressing the unspoken problem of cyber extortion against law firms – ways you need to prepare, now.

Penumbral duty no longer ‘an area of obscurity or uncertainty’

NSWCA confirms solicitors do not owe a ‘penumbral duty’ to provide advice beyond the retainer.

Limitation periods: Simple? Not always

Time limits – love ‘em or hate ‘em, you’ve gotta know them.

Preliminary agreements and the risk of litigation

The importance of drafting more effective preliminary client agreements to avoid the risk of future litigation.

The Rest climate case settlement: a precedent by any other name?

The climate change settlement raising the bar for Australian corporate risk management.

Purchaser surcharge duty: risk management tips for solicitors

With Revenue NSW audits on the rise, we set out the extra precautions you should consider when acting for ‘foreign persons’ in real property transactions.

Remote staff supervision: Managing the risks

Now is a good time to review how successful working from home arrangements are and to identify potential areas of risk.