Retainers and the extent of a solicitor’s duty of care
Recent ACT Civil & Administrative Tribunal decision considers the extent of a solicitor’s duty of care when providing advice in conveyancing transactions.
Recent ACT Civil & Administrative Tribunal decision considers the extent of a solicitor’s duty of care when providing advice in conveyancing transactions.
Changes to the Foreign Investment Review regime have important implications for testamentary gifts to foreign persons and the administration of deceased estates.
Reporting and analysis of recent family law decisions. By CRAIG NICOL and KELEIGH ROBINSON
Reporting and analysis of the latest key judgments from the High Court of Australia. By ANDREW YUILE.
The introduction of priority notices to NSW is one of a number of significant amendments to the Real Property Act 1900, and part of a…
Reporting and analysis of recent family law decisions. By ROBERT GLADE-WRIGHT.
Reporting and analysis of recent family law decisions. By ROBERT GLADE-WRIGHT.
Reporting and analysis of recent family law decisions. By ROBERT GLADE-WRIGHT.
The main driver for the 2016 edition of the Contract is the Commonwealth’s new Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding Payments measure. By GABRIELLE LEA.
When advising on or drafting an option deed/agreement, ensure that the need for such an arrangement has been adequately considered and there are no ambiguous…
The new foreign resident CGT withholding tax applies to sales contracts entered into on or after 1 July 2016. By DUNG LAM and ALEX WHITNEY.
In Registrar General v Jea Holdings, the Court of Appeal found an easement was validly created even though it was recorded as a covenant only on…
The number of mortgage fraud cases reported in recent years suggests that this problem is actually on the rise despite a heightened awareness among lenders,…