The problem with perfection

LSJ explores the dark side of a relentless pursuit of excellence.

Better days ahead

Lawyers are more likely to have anxiety, depression and other mental health issues than the general population.

Should resilience be a four-letter word?

Handling everything that comes your way without missing a beat often seems necessary if you want to advance your career. But has this idea gone…

How to make Mondays less distressing

Beat the Monday blues with long-term thinking and perspective.

The wellbeing road test

Law and professional services firms are constantly coming up with new strategies to keep their workers happy, healthy and motivated.

The human cost of corporate life

Wellness is a holistic, ongoing, and very human necessity – not just a work issue. So there’s a need to move past box-ticking.

Crushing waves

A devastating cancer diagnosis forced lawyer, wife and mother Lillian Leigh to re-evaluate her priorities and to cherish each and every moment.

Lawyer wellbeing under the spotlight

Concerns about serious mental health issues within the legal profession prompted the American Bar Association to look for practical ways to address the problem.

Multi-tasking: help or hindrance?

Is juggling a number of tasks, as we so often do, all that bad?

Feeling blue? A new reason to act

Why managing depression can help you beat dementia.