Harnessing technology to improve access to justice

The new director of the Kaldor Centre on the combination of personal and professional perspectives underpinning the role.

Flexible home learning and disability discrimination

A recent NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal decision considered disability discrimination in connection with home assisted education during the Covid-19 pandemic.

NSWCCL: A bridge between activists and the legal profession

In celebration of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties’ 60th year, five solicitors recount their experiences in a video series published by the organisation.

A new positive duty framework

The Australian Human Rights Commission has released its highly anticipated suite of guidance material to assist organisations understand their responsibilities and their legal obligations.

Human rights: Protections against foreign social media interference

Social media has become the new digital battleground as foreign actors try to improperly interfere in decision making processes and influence nations across the globe.

How the Russia-Ukraine conflict will change all future wars

Lethal autonomous weapon systems pose a threat to combatants and civilians alike. It is assessible and there are calls for its immediate prohibition.

Does prolonged solitary confinement fall under the definition of torture?

Torture has a very specific legal meaning under international law.

Push for a national Human Rights Act makes new ground

Australia’s legal community has renewed its push for a Federal Human Rights Act, following the release of a proposed model by the Australian Human Rights…

Iran executions: the role of the ‘revolutionary courts’ in breaching human rights

The Iranian government has attempted to brutally suppress the widespread protests

Legal history made in Galilee Basin coal project human rights case

A case was filed against the project for its contribution to climate change and the erosion of human rights.