Tread carefully in charging for non-professional work in the administration of estates
The fees solicitors charge in estate administration are increasingly coming before courts, writes LOUISE BROWN.
The fees solicitors charge in estate administration are increasingly coming before courts, writes LOUISE BROWN.
Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.
Care needs to be taken when beneficiaries to an estate propose to enter into a deed of family arrangement to prevent duty being triggered unintentionally….
Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.
Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By PAM SUTTOR.
Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By PAMELA SUTTOR.
Reporting and analysisof the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.