Cancelling shares and landholder duty

When a couple in business together separates, things get messy and tax stings can fly under the radar in the ensuing familial chaos.

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NCAT affirms application of transfer duty to variation of trust deed

A recent NCAT decision applies the new ‘beneficial ownership’ provisions in the context of discretionary trust variation.

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30 June blues

Picture this: your client wants to gift their capital gains but they’re dragging their feet and end of financial year is approaching…

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Busy bees

Beekeeping can sting you in ways you don’t expect. This case study shows the hidden tax pitfalls of diving into your retirement hobby farm.

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Practical tips on claiming NSW Primary Production Duty Exemption

Showing Revenue NSW you are eligible for the PPE can be tricky. Find out what you will need to be successful first time.

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The not-so-ordinary meaning of ‘ordinarily resident’

Jen McMillan unpacks the Court’s narrow interpretation of ‘ordinarily resident’ and provides valuable practice notes and updates on residential land purchasing.

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Changing trustees and landholder duty pain

Consider the landholder duty provisions whenever shares in a company or units in a unit trust are being transferred in landholding entities.

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Family succession traps

There are complex tax rules when dealing with company shares. Practitioners should be aware of the relevant legislation and if unsure, seek specialist advice.

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Happy 40th! Not quite the surprise you were hoping for

Stamp duty on shares was abolished some time ago, but don’t forget about landholder duty.

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Dealing with deceased estates: Gifts and tax implications

When dealing with deceased estates, practitioners should be mindful of capital gains tax implications when dealing with gifts.

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