How cyber resilient is your law practice?

Cyber resilience depends on individual awareness combined with appropriate technical responses. By SIMONE HERBERT-LOWE.

By - 1 min read

How to draft a privacy policy like the law expects – instead of like a lawyer

Australian privacy law requires regulated organisations to have a privacy policy and collection notices. United States models don’t comply. By ANNA JOHNSTON.

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The constitutional cost of combatting espionage and foreign interference

The Federal Government has introduced three Bills to combat foreign interference in our political and electoral systems. Two have been passed. By HANNAH RYAN.

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Unmanned & unregulated: where are the privacy protections from drones?

The increasing use of drones raises concerns about safety, privacy and surveillance. And there is a gap between public expectation and legal reality. By JODIE…

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Big Brother is watching: the hidden cost of the Gold Opal Card

Transport for NSW contravened the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 by its collection of Gold Opal Card data. By STEPHEN MCKENZIE and EVA…

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Preparing your clients for the GDPR privacy reforms

The GDPR is an EU privacy law, but it will have extra territorial reach, Australian organisations will need to be ready for its commencement on…

By - 2 min read

Global developments in cyber security law: is Australia keeping pace?

Cyber security is a significant business and legal risk that must be taken seriously. Internationally, cyber security is becoming subject to stricter regulation. Australia’s cyber…

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2018: a year of significant changes to privacy law

A number of significant reforms to privacy law commence in 2018. Legal practitioners will need to consider the impact on clients, and on their own…

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Mass surveillance and data retention: do the means justify the ends?

The Attorney-General’s Department released the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 – Annual Report. By MICHELLE MEARES.

By - 7 min read

Is your practice secure? Client confidentiality and data breach

A data breach response plan is essential to being prepared for an eligible data breach. By HELEN BROWN.

By - 2 min read