Assisting the ‘missing middle’: funding the costs of litigation

As reflected in the Government’s recent Productivity Commission Inquiry Report, ‘access to justice’ in civil litigation, is frequently limited to ‘big business’, high net worth…

By - 5 min read

Identifying concurrent wrongdoers: the proportionate liability regime in practice

Given the reach of the proportionate liability regime, it is imperative that practitioners are able to identify when the regime applies, and to whom. By…

By - 7 min read

Class actions: justice, funding and the next game changer

The desire to provide access to justice has resulted in what many have described as a “plaintiff-friendly” Federal Court class action regime in Australia. By…

By and - 4 min read

Commenced: Trans-Tasman Proceedings Act 2010

The difficulties in conducting litigation across the Tasman Sea have been significantly diminished by the introduction of new federal legislation. On 11 October 2013, the Trans-Tasman…

By - 4 min read

Adequacy of judicial reasons: back to law school

Local Court decisions are appealable to the Supreme Court on the basis of failure to provide adequate reasons. For reasons to be adequate they must…

By - 3 min read