Student mooters doing fine online

The world’s largest international law moot was forced to make a rapid pivot into online courtrooms in April, as the COVID-19 pandemic made travel by…

By - 2 min read

NSW allows witnessing documents via video call – but are there privacy risks?

As office spaces have been forced shut by COVID-19, many law firms have shifted the bulk of their legal work online in the space of…

By - 4 min read

Jury trials to resume from 15 June

After a two-month hiatus due to COVID-19, jury trials will resume in NSW with strict new hygiene measures for anyone attending court.

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Strip-search report flies under the radar

Reports concluded that police training in the LEPRA was seriously inept.

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Life in lockdown

We asked readers to show us how they’re staying connected during lockdown.

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‘Will the cocktail evening be on skype?’ – Firms adapt clerkship process

The Virtual Careers Fair had a huge turn out and clerkships are set to go ahead in creative new ways due to COVID-19 according to…

By - 3 min read