NCAT decisions involving solicitors

A summary of recent NCAT decisions involving solicitors.

By - 2 min read

Decisions by the Professional Conduct Committee

A summary of decisions by the Professional Conduct Committee.

By - 5 min read

File handling and safe custody

This article is the second in a two-part series designed to provide an overview of file management in legal practice.

By and - 5 min read

That party wasn’t my client! 

The duty to act in the best interests of the client in any matter in which the solicitor represents the client is a fundamental ethical…

By - 3 min read

Confidentiality and information barriers: considerations for the modern solicitor

Lawyers are a sentimental lot, often thinking wistfully of the image of a diligent lawyer dutifully writing and shuffling papers sitting at an old-fashioned roller-top…

By - 4 min read

When do I need to apologise to a client?

Our profession seems to be a very apologetic one.

By - 2 min read

Continuing Professional Development requirements

Practitioners are reminded that the current Continuing Professional Development (CPD) year ends on 31 March 2025.

By - 2 min read

“Most unsatisfactory” conduct in addressing building defects

The Owners – Strata Plan No 95242 v Karimbla Properties reminds us that parties are expected “to facilitate the just, quick and cheap resolution of the…

By and - 8 min read

Refresher: costs in probate and letters of administration matters

There is a scale of fixed costs for the various stages of probate/letters of administration, depending on the value of assets remaining at the time…

By - 4 min read