Hua Nan Trading and insight into NCAT’s procedural operations
How the recent case of Hua Nan Trading provides insight into NCAT’s procedural operations.
By Matthew Lo - 6 min readHow the recent case of Hua Nan Trading provides insight into NCAT’s procedural operations.
By Matthew Lo - 6 min readThis article provides a high-level overview of the upcoming AML reforms and obligations for lawyers.
By Carol Prasad - 5 min readA review of Section 174 (3) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law
By Chris Wall - 8 min readIn the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, a recent event has underscored the vulnerability of trust accounts to cyber-attacks.
By Sharon Blake - 2 min readA look at Metricon Homes Pty Ltd as trustee for Metricon Homes Unit Trust v Lipari (No 2) [2024] NSWSC 684
By Matthew Lo - 4 min readIn this case, the Plaintiff brought legal proceedings against three defendants in connection with unpaid mortgages.
By Matthew Lo - 4 min readCost agreements, unlike cost disclosure, are not mandatory.
By Dora Chan and Nick Satouris - 6 min readWhile the vast majority of solicitors are not trained mental health professionals, often they find themselves acting in the role of a situational or accidental…
By Paul Monaghan and Elli Balafas - 6 min readAs AI’s influence grows, it is essential that solicitors are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness its potential, responsibly and ethically.
By Henry Ea - 5 min readLawyers are under constant pressure. Deadlines, demanding clients, preparation time, scheduling appointments, settlements and ensuring that all obligations are met.
By Paul Monaghan - 4 min readA cautionary tale against the adding of unnecessary things for the sake of being creative, as it risks very negative consequences.
By Matthew Lo - 5 min readSometimes small helpful acts can have unintended consequences
By Jen McMillan - 3 min readThe NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal recently found a solicitor to have engaged in professional misconduct by communicating directly with another solicitor’s client.
By Anusha Kailasanathan - 8 min read