A cybersecurity wake-up call: protecting trust accounts

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, a recent event has underscored the vulnerability of trust accounts to cyber-attacks.

By - 2 min read

Considerations concerning settlement offers

A look at Metricon Homes Pty Ltd as trustee for Metricon Homes Unit Trust v Lipari (No 2) [2024] NSWSC 684

By - 4 min read

Supervening events: learnings from Perpetual Corporate Trust Limited v Ip [2024] NSWSC 728

In this case, the Plaintiff brought legal proceedings against three defendants in connection with unpaid mortgages.

By - 4 min read

Conditional cost agreements and the meaning of ‘successful outcome’

Cost agreements, unlike cost disclosure, are not mandatory.

By and - 6 min read

When a client expresses thoughts of self-harm

While the vast majority of solicitors are not trained mental health professionals, often they find themselves acting in the role of a situational or accidental…

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Balancing innovation and ethics: how law firms can prepare for AI integration

As AI’s influence grows, it is essential that solicitors are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness its potential, responsibly and ethically.

By - 5 min read

Dealing with delay

Lawyers are under constant pressure. Deadlines, demanding clients, preparation time, scheduling appointments, settlements and ensuring that all obligations are met.

By - 4 min read

To make offers of compromise but not add unnecessary terms

A cautionary tale against the adding of unnecessary things for the sake of being creative, as it risks very negative consequences.

By - 5 min read

When helpful is harmful

Sometimes small helpful acts can have unintended consequences

By - 3 min read

‘No contact rule’ for solicitors: a regulatory perspective

The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal recently found a solicitor to have engaged in professional misconduct by communicating directly with another solicitor’s client.

By - 8 min read