New section 29A public interest defence considered

A recent Federal Court decision was the first adjudication arising from a final hearing of the new s 29A defence.

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Reforms to defamation law and sexual harassment cases in the workplace

Recent review of the Model Defamation Provisions examined the scope of liability of internet intermediaries in publication of third party content and defences to defamation.

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To publish or not to publish: Hyperlink merely a navigating tool

High Court in Google LLC v Defteros considers whether a search engine is the publisher of defamatory material by providing a hyperlink to that article.

By - 3 min read

In the public interest? The new defence in NSW defamation law

Guidance from the UK on how the new public interest defence may be interpreted by NSW courts.

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Defamation law and the new serious harm test

The new NSW serious harms test is identical to that in the UK, so could their case law be instructive here?

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Defamation and reform of the statutory defence of contextual truth

An analysis of why reform of the statutory defence of contextual truth is long overdue.

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An update on defamation damages reform

An examination of the amendments to section 35, which enacts statutory caps on awards of damages for non-economic loss.

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Defamation reforms: Much Ado About Not Much

An opinion piece on the contentious New South Wales defamation reforms.

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Reviewing defamation law for the digital age

PATRICK GEORGE examines the National Review of Model Defamation Provisions and the need to address the impact of social media on the world of publication.

By - 2 min read

Googling defamation law

The challenge technologies pose for defamation law may be better resolved by adapting existing principles than by special rules for specific circumstances. By NICHOLAS OLSON.

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