What if a liable defendant declares bankruptcy before damages are determined?
The Federal Court considers a unique fact scenario which conjures pertinent questions of law, such as what makes a judgement final?
By Tim Maybury - 1 min readThe Federal Court considers a unique fact scenario which conjures pertinent questions of law, such as what makes a judgement final?
By Tim Maybury - 1 min readNDAs should mitigate risks of workplace disputes going publicly nuclear, but only if they’re drafted effectively. Are you at risk?
By Penny Thew - 1 min read‘Stage 2’ reforms and what they will mean for the future of ‘digital defamation’.
By David Helvadjian - 2 min readA recent Federal Court decision was the first adjudication arising from a final hearing of the new s 29A defence.
By David Helvadjian - 2 min readRecent review of the Model Defamation Provisions examined the scope of liability of internet intermediaries in publication of third party content and defences to defamation.
By Kayte Lewis - 2 min readHigh Court in Google LLC v Defteros considers whether a search engine is the publisher of defamatory material by providing a hyperlink to that article.
By Paris Hart - 3 min readGuidance from the UK on how the new public interest defence may be interpreted by NSW courts.
By David Helvadjian - 2 min readThe new NSW serious harms test is identical to that in the UK, so could their case law be instructive here?
By David Helvadjian - 2 min readAn analysis of why reform of the statutory defence of contextual truth is long overdue.
By Jeremy Harrison - 2 min readAn examination of the amendments to section 35, which enacts statutory caps on awards of damages for non-economic loss.
By Paris Hart - 2 min readAn opinion piece on the contentious New South Wales defamation reforms.
By Bruce McClintock SC - 3 min readPATRICK GEORGE examines the National Review of Model Defamation Provisions and the need to address the impact of social media on the world of publication.
By Patrick George - 2 min readThe challenge technologies pose for defamation law may be better resolved by adapting existing principles than by special rules for specific circumstances. By NICHOLAS OLSON.
By Nicholas Olson - 2 min read