Eyewitness accuracy: the misinformation effect

The misinformation effect occurs when an eyewitness subsequently reads or hears information about the witnessed event that is inaccurate and unwittingly incorporates it into his…

By - 5 min read

Showing cause under the Bail Act 2013: lessons from the CCA

The Bail Amendment Act 2014 (NSW) introduced a ‘show cause’ test in circumstances where bail is sought for certain offences. By ALANNA VAN DER VEEN.

By - 6 min read

High Court takes sentencing back to basics in The Queen v Pham

Sentencing principles must always be set out and carefully applied to the current case. Statistics from other jurisdictions may serve as a helpful yardstick but…

By - 8 min read

Opinion evidence or direct evidence of fact?

The case of Haidari v R [2015] NSWCCA 126 raised questions of what is opinion evidence and what is evidence of fact. By CAROLINA LEWIN…

By - 4 min read

Contempt: blurring the line between civil and criminal proceedings

A corporate defendant is amenable to an order under r 29.07(2) of the Supreme Court (General Civil Procedure) Rules 2005 (Vic) to make discovery of documents in…

By - 5 min read

Conferral of experts and concurrent evidence: what do experts think?

How do expert witnesses assess ‘conferral of experts’ and ‘concurrent expert evidence’ as conducted by the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT)? By BERTUS DE VILLIERS.

By - 7 min read

Science in court: challenging the value of expert evidence

The admissibility of expert evidence is the subject of increasing criticism from scientific bodies and discordant views from the bench. By MAEVE CURRY.

By - 5 min read

New national study examines intoxication in criminal law

Criminal law legislation attaches significance to ‘intoxication’ in multiple ways and makes assumptions about the effects of alcohol and other drugs on mind and body….

By , , and - 6 min read

Technology-facilitated stalking and abuse: putting our legal framework to the test

Technology-assisted stalking and abuse is a form of domestic violence (DV) that is rapidly on the rise. By CHARISSA SUN.

By - 6 min read

Domestic violence: evidence-in-chief reforms commence

The Criminal Procedure Amendment (Domestic Violence Complainants) Act 2014 amends the Criminal Procedure Act 1986 to allow video or audio recorded statements taken from a domestic violence complainant to…

By and - 7 min read