Early in my career, Powell J advised me to acquire all the major texts on probate and equity practice and procedure. “Keep the current edition in chambers and an old edition at home,” he told me. That advice has stood me in good stead.
The second edition of Wills Probate and Administration Law in New South Wales (Thomson Reuters, 2020) is among those texts that are an essential part of the library of those who practise in succession law.
Like its predecessor, the work clearly expounds the practice of the court, along with the substantive law. It contains comprehensive commentary precedents on the practices of the court, including many which are not readily apparent in the legislation, rules or decided cases.
It covers all of the perennial matters – such as proof of lost wills, informal testamentary documents, failure to prove a will, accounts and commission – and also the new field of statutory wills. A new and extensive commentary on the principles and practice of family provision applications makes the book a vital resource for all who work in that large and growing sphere of practice.
The authors have brought their individual skills and experience to the work. Janes and Liebhold contribute the perspective of practising barristers with an encyclopaedic knowledge of the decided cases. Studdert has long been a mentor to many practitioners. I will be eternally grateful for his generous and invaluable assistance during his time as a Registrar of the Court from 1982 to 2015.