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Key decisions

  • D17-18\184 [2018] SCTA 84
  • Gianna (Jenny) Angius v Salier [2018] NSWSC 995
  • Estate of Raynish [2018] NSWSC 1021
  • Lowe v Pascoe (No 8) [2018] NSWSC 764.
  • NSW Trustee and Guardian; re estate of Cooper [2018] NSWSC 1020
  • D17-18\192 [2018] SCTA 9
  • Adrian Cory Sloan as executor of the estate of the late Laurette Dorothy Keddie v Baldrey [2018] WASC 206
  • D17-18\201 [2018] SCTA 101
  • D17-18\200 [2018] SCTA 100
  • Estate Reid; Roberts v Moses and Palmer [2018] NSWSC 1145
  • Steinmetz v Shannon [2018] NSWSC 1090

Blue Mountains Law Society Succession conference

This year’s conference will run from 7 to 9 September. Conference topics will include: Less usual grants: practical issues; A history of the law of succession; Practical tips for family provision claims on large and small estates; Key Aspects of Estate Mediation, especially family provision disputes: the musts and must-nots; Elder Abuse and Lawyers’ Ethical Responsibilities: Incorporating Screening into Practice; and Practical estate planning issues with superannuation death benefits.Justice Julie Ward, CJ in Eq will give the inaugural Sir Anthony Mason oration and other notable speakers will include: Justice Lindsay, NSW Law Reform Commissioner, Alan Cameron, Peter Young AO QC, Jane Needham SC, Richard Williams, Steve Lancken, Assoc Prof Nola Reis and Peter Bobbin. Contact Shani Lee for more details:

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