This article is the third in a series of articles for the LSJ on the various aspects of the new Legal Profession Uniform Law (LPUL) that will soon regulate the legal profession in both NSW and Victoria.
The Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Bill 2014 was passed and received assent on 20 May 2014. It applied the LPUL in New South Wales and is expected to come into operation in NSW on 1 July 2015.
Preceding articles in this series have provided an introductory overview of the new laws (May LSJ) and an outline of the forthcoming changes to CPD requirements (April LSJ). Here, we will discuss the key changes to cost agreements, disclosure and billing. The accompanying article (‘Effective communication: a meeting of the minds’ by Glenda Carry & Frances Moffitt, May LSJ) will go on to stress the importance of effective communication and practice management in relation to costs.