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Innovation is at the heart of everything at LEAP. This is why they commit more than $20 million a year to research and development so that their clients have the best possible software.

This innovation-centric approach is the reason why LEAP was recently announced as one of the Australian Financial Review’s Most Innovative Companies for 2020. Taking out 7th place in the technology category, the award recognises LEAP’s ongoing commitment to innovation.

“The award really is a testament to our development team who is continually thinking and working outside the box to deliver a range of innovations to LEAP users,” said Mark Burgess, CEO of LEAP Dev.

This recognition comes as the development team have rolled out more remote working friendly solutions for LEAP users in light of the COVID-19 pandemic which forced many Australians to work from home.

Key innovations were quickly developed to allow more than 44,000 LEAP users across the world to operate a law firm from any location. With the addition of Microsoft Teams and Zoom integrations, LEAP users were able to easily make the transition to working from home, allowing them to continue meeting with clients and collaborating on matters with colleagues.

Burgess says these new integrations were “a way that our clients could benefit from software they already had.”

Integral to LEAP’s innovation story is client feedback. Feedback from clients is invaluable in allowing the development team to consistently ensure that software is easy to use and that it facilitates the utmost in efficiency and productivity.

“We’re always trying to listen to the clients. We collect feedback from a variety of sources and that makes its way into the software, balanced in with whatever else we’re working on strategically. Every version of LEAP just gets better,” Burgess says.

Discover how you can work from anywhere, at any time, with LEAP.