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Key decisions

  • Ellwood & Ravenhill [2019] FamCAFC 153
  • Daly & Terrazas [2019] FamCAFC 142
  • Garston & Yeo (No. 2) [2019] FamCAFC 139
  • Beaumont & Schultes [2019] FCCA 1831


Father’s application for parenting orders dismissed for non-compliance with s 60I (family dispute resolution) 

In Ellwood & Ravenhill [2019] FamCAFC 153 (6 September 2019) Kent J (sitting in the appellate jurisdiction of the Family Court of Australia) allowed the mother’s appeal against orders made on the application of the father in respect of the parties’ daughter (17) and son (nearly 16). The father’s application sought to have the existing, informal parenting arrangement (equal time with daughter, but son spending no time with mother due to conflict between them) reflected in an order. In response, the mother applied for the dismissal of the father’s application as s 60I had not been complied with, arguing that the Court lacked jurisdiction.

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