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The Sydney Lawyers Orchestra will hold its 7th Annual Christmas concert on 21 December 2022 at St Stephen’s Uniting Church (197 Macquarie Street Sydney), from 6.30pm.

Under the baton of Thomas Jones, partner at Bird and Bird in Sydney, the idea of an orchestra for legal professionals was inspired by America’s National Medical Orchestra, a group of physicians and surgeons – all trained in classical music.

The Sydney Lawyers Orchestra’s first performance took place at a memorial service for Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, which was shot down over Ukraine in July 2014. The performance season quickly grew to include annual Christmas concerts, then a number of dynamic and varied performances throughout the year.

It was while Jones was working as a partner at Corrs Chambers Westgarth about eight years ago that he first floated the idea of a Sydney Lawyers Orchestra. “The sense of community is very important,” Jones explained earlier this year to LSJ. “There are a lot of people who play in the (group) who could have had careers as professional musicians – and some did. But it’s really about getting like-minded people together, having a drink, eating some chips, and talking about music.”

This years concert performance will feature works by Beethoven, Grieg, Henry Tate and Eric Coates as well as traditional Christmas favourite, and is dedicated to the people of Ukraine. 

All are welcome. The event is not ticketed but will be for the benefit of the Australian Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal.