Wagga Wagga Courthouse Registrar
What is your role? I’m the Registrar of Wagga Courthouse. My role includes administrative functions such as managing the staff and building as well as quasi-judicial functions. This may include everything from carrying out bail hearings on the weekend, considering search warrants applications made by Police or other agencies, swearing in Justices of the Peace or even conducting weddings. There is never a dull day.
What are you proud of in your career? Prior to Courts, I worked at Housing NSW. I am really proud of the work I did with them to create employment opportunities for people in social housing. During the current COVID-19 pandemic, I am very proud of the way all the staff adapted and continued to deliver services to the community. It is an inspiration to me.
What is the most difficult aspect of working in the country? Being recognised. Wagga is a fairly large town, but it still is a small community so people know where you work and what you do. Sometimes that can be a bit tricky but at the same time, it’s also nice to feel a sense of community. I think the biggest challenge is – how could things possibly get better? It’s just so good, when you live in God’s country!
What do you like most about working in the country? It’s the diversity of the work, the sense of community and the people I work with. I can honestly say I look forward to coming to work each day. The regions are a really good place to live and work. We moved here in 2001 expecting to stay a couple of years …
How long is your commute to work? It’s 10 minutes. I drive but they have just put in a cycle track so I might start using the push bike. When I lived in Sydney, my commute was a minimum of 45 minutes.