Federal Court action fails to prove Roundup weedkiller causes cancer

The Federal Court has dismissed class action proceedings alleging the use of and/or exposure to weedkiller Roundup increased a person’s risk of developing cancer.

By - 2 min read

Bridging the gap between neurotech and law

As neurotechnology advances exponentially, the gap between science and the law widens and an intermediary with a deep understanding of both fields is needed.

By - 4 min read

Is the new Administrative Review Tribunal ‘match fit’ for the next test?

Terry Carney, a former member of the AAT who considered early robodebt decisions and advocated for reform, delivers his prognosis on the new ART.

By - 7 min read

The case for taking self-care seriously

It might sound like the domain of chilled-out people with time on their hands, but self-care is exactly what busy lawyers need in times of…

By - 6 min read

Film review: Deadpool & Wolverine

The new chapter in the never-ending Marvel Cinematic Universe is not a film. It is content.

By - 3 min read