Handing down the family farm without NSW duties

Handing down the family farm without NSW duties – a guide to the new Revenue NSW Ruling.

Informal wills: an informal response to these things

A learned but informal opinion on informal wills and s 8 of the Succession Act

Where there’s a will (there’s a legal dispute)

If high-profile estate cases can teach us anything, it’s that where there’s a will, there is often a day in court. 

Solicitors as executors: responsibilities and rewards

Solicitors should  be mindful of the complications which can arise if a will maker appointments you as their executor.  By JOHN CLARKE.

The many guises of informal wills

Recent decisions show that an informal will may be found in almost any format and made in almost any manner.  By DARRYL BROWNE.

Wills and estates: October 2018

Reporting and analysisof the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.

Wills and estates: September 2018

Reporting and analysisof the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.

Wills and estates: August 2018

Reporting and analysisof the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.

Wills and estates: June 2018

Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.

Wills and estates: May 2018

Reporting and analysis of the latest judgments and news in wills & estates and elder law. By DARRYL BROWNE.