To mediate or to litigate?
Mediation and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution are used to resolve everything from minor neighbourhood disagreements to large-scale commercial disputes. But are these methods…
Mediation and other forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution are used to resolve everything from minor neighbourhood disagreements to large-scale commercial disputes. But are these methods…
The Law Society of NSW has announced its own accreditation scheme for lawyer mediators.
Mediation is a cordial and more flexible approach to resolving disputes. There is a need to balance the client’s cause with achieving a commercial outcome.
Benefits of the Singapore Convention to Australians resolving international commercial disputes.
An expert look at the new Singapore Convention on international mediation. By ANTHONY LO SURDO SC
The Singapore Convention, if ratified by the UN General Assembly, will reshape international commercial agreements and ‘settlement agreements. By CRAIG CARTER.
What I learned from watching a master mediator in action.
Mediation involves the fundamental proposition that a lawyer must never make a representation to an opponent or mediator that is known to be untrue. By…
As delays increase and a Federal Government inquiry begins, we investigate the troubled state of family law.
There are many benefits to court-ordered mediation but the parties and mediator also have a number of obligations which are often overlooked. By ANTHONY LO…
Contemporary mediation is a structured and highly strategic process available to be employed in almost every type of civil litigation. By THE HON. DENNIS COWDROY…