‘Momentous occasion for the NSW District Court’: Walama List marked with official ceremony

The Walama List, aimed at reducing high rates of Indigenous incarceration and reoffending, has been marked with an official ceremonial sitting in the NSW District…

Legal groups call for independent inquiry into death of Indigenous 16-year-old killed by police car

The tragic death of a 16-year-old Indigenous boy who collided with a police car has sparjed calls for an independent inquiry.

Ensuring accountability for First Nations deaths in custody

Shining a spotlight on Aboriginal deaths in custody, changing attitudes and the families mounting important new claims for justice.

Aboriginal Australians not vulnerable to deportation

A fascinating look at the High Court’s 4-3 split in the recent Aboriginal citizenship & deportation cases.

I, the awful Aboriginal

Sydney lawyer Trent Wallace often has to prove his Aboriginality. It can be frustrating and heart-breaking.

It takes a village

Former Federal Circuit Court Judge Robyn Sexton talks about the case of a country NSW family that inspired her to set up Australia’s first Indigenous…

Circuit breakers: How justice reinvestment is reshaping Bourke

Bourke residents tackle problems in the town as they arise, rather than wait for them to grow. The idea is to intervene early and get…