High Court: December 2024
Precedent-setting cases on churches’ vicarious liability for their priests in child abuse cases and legal incapacity. By VINCENT BARRY.
Precedent-setting cases on churches’ vicarious liability for their priests in child abuse cases and legal incapacity. By VINCENT BARRY.
Precedent-setting cases on private judicial meetings, statutory conditions precedent and public interest immunity. By TASMAN ASH FLEMING.
Precedent-setting cases on duties to avoid economic loss, expert evidence and standards of interlocutory appeals. By TASMAN ASH FLEMING.
The High Court considers criminal liability for bodies politic, the effect of parole on sentencing and foreign state immunity. BY TASMAN ASH FLEMING
The High Court considers jurisdictional error, materiality and statutory construction in the context of decisions by migration officials. BY DR MICHELLE SHARPE
The High Court has handed down its highly anticipated decision in ASF17 v Commonwealth of Australia. The capacity of an individual to cooperate with their…
The High Court considers statutory construction and procedural fairness in the context of findings and reports by Victoria’s anti-corruption body. BY DR MICHELLE SHARPE
The Migration Amendment (Removal and Other Measures) Bill 2024 proposes broad powers for the Minister and creates criminal offences. This will have significant implications for…
Reporting and analysis of the latest key judgments from the High Court of Australia. BY DR MICHELLE SHARPE
Reporting and analysis of the latest key judgments from the High Court of Australia. BY DR MICHELLE SHARPE
Reporting and analysis of the latest key judgments from the High Court of Australia. BY DR MICHELLE SHARPE
Recent High Court decision found indefinite detention is unlawful. The decision has significant implications for immigration law and human rights.
Reporting and analysis of the latest key judgments from the High Court of Australia. BY DR MICHELLE SHARPE