Recent NCAT decisions

Summaries of recent NCAT decisions concerning solicitors.

The forgotten disclosure?

A review of Section 174 (3) of the Legal Profession Uniform Law

Make wellbeing a priority this holiday season

Lawyer wellbeing has been a particular focus for the Law Society this year.

An overview of file ownership

This article is the first in a two-part series designed to provide an overview of file ownership.

About the Law Society of NSW Professional Standards Scheme

Solicitor Members, Life Members, and ILP Members of the Law Society of NSW engaging in private legal practice are eligible to participate in the Scheme.

The Law Society’s Pastoral Support Service

This service has been developed in response to the demands and stresses faced by many practitioners within the legal profession.

An AML update for practitioners

This article provides a high-level overview of the upcoming AML reforms and obligations for lawyers.

Who is instructing?

A key part of the client engagement process involves checking that the person instructing has the capacity and authority to provide those instructions.

Integrity over this holiday season

How lawyers can avoid any integrity compromises over the Christmas season

Hua Nan Trading and insight into NCAT’s procedural operations

How the recent case of Hua Nan Trading provides insight into NCAT’s procedural operations.