Recent NCAT decisions: August 2024

Recent NCAT decisions involving solicitors.

August 2024: A summary of recent decisions by the PCC

There were eight matters determined this quarter.

Changes to Australia’s AML/CTF legislation are coming: key things to know

Here is what practitioners need to know about the pending changes to anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing in Australia.

Avoiding any compromise to integrity

Lawyers are defined by their ethics.

How can liens assist your legal practice

All too often we have heard stories of clients who delay or refuse to pay solicitors for their work.

The annual CPD compliance audit

Practitioners may be aware that each year, the Law Society of NSW conducts an annual compliance audit for Continuing Professional Development.

The ethics of negotiating

A solicitor’s professional duty to the court and the administration of justice is paramount and prevails to the extent of inconsistency with any other duty.

A cybersecurity wake-up call: protecting trust accounts

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, a recent event has underscored the vulnerability of trust accounts to cyber-attacks.

Considerations concerning settlement offers

A look at Metricon Homes Pty Ltd as trustee for Metricon Homes Unit Trust v Lipari (No 2) [2024] NSWSC 684

Supervening events: learnings from Perpetual Corporate Trust Limited v Ip [2024] NSWSC 728

In this case, the Plaintiff brought legal proceedings against three defendants in connection with unpaid mortgages.