Debunking the myth: is practising law in the US anything like on TV?

LSJ chats with Christopher Hogan, Partner at Hogan Thompson Schuelke LLP in Texas about how to qualify as a lawyer in the US, what it’s like…

The mechanics of an effective mediation

Mediation is a cordial and more flexible approach to resolving disputes. There is a need to balance the client’s cause with achieving a commercial outcome.

How and when to get your costs assessed

There may be a time where a client doesn’t pay your bill and there are ways the solicitor can recover the amount.

Back to basics: Inadvertent disclosure

Inadvertent disclosure may not always be a critical issue and can be remedied if the solicitor acts swiftly.

Dress for success: Courtroom etiquette

Knowing court etiquette and how to address the Bench are fundamental skills for early career lawyers.

Embracing Opportunities: A Conversation with Georgia Schulberg

Few people find their calling in their final year of high school, but for Georgia Schulberg, a conversation with a family friend over dinner would…

Futureproofing your legal career: Law Society 2023 Conference

Futureproofing your legal career will be a key focus at the Law Society of NSW’s Annual Conference on 5 and 6 October. LSJ offers a…

Leadership – Don’t be like Lizzo

Leadership is part of the journey most young lawyers are already on and lawyers can influence the decisions of others from clients to the bench.