Criminal law: August 2015

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

Criminal law: July 2015

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

Criminal law: June 2015

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

Criminal law: May 2015

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

Criminal law: April 2015

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

Criminal law: March 2015

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

New bail law: the Bail Amendment Act 2014

The Bail Amendment Act 2014 sets out further changes to the law in relation to bail in NSW. It was assented to on 25 September 2014 and…

Criminal law: December 2014

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.

Restorative justice and forum sentencing: a unique opportunity for both victims and offenders

Forum sentencing is a restorative justice program that operates in selected NSW Local Courts as an alternative sentencing option. By STEPHANIE WALLACE and MALINDI SAYLE.

Criminal law: November 2014

Reporting and analysis of the most recent notable decisions of the NSWSC and NSWCCA. By THOMAS SPOHR.