Saving and securing access to justice: a plan for Community Legal Centres

NSW Attorney-General Mark Speakman says the state government has accepted key findings of the Cameron Review of community law centre funding.

Animal instincts

Animals are becoming an increasingly important part of a healthy justice system.

Mass surveillance and data retention: do the means justify the ends?

The Attorney-General’s Department released the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 – Annual Report. By MICHELLE MEARES.

Navigating a complicated relationship: the role of the Solicitor-General

This year marked the celebration of a century since the establishment of the office of the Commonwealth Solicitor-General. By DR GABRIELLE APPLEBY.

Firmly on the up

For Gabrielle Upton, the role of Attorney-General is a privilege – and one that requires balance, accessibility and the desire to give back.

A day in the life of… Jessie Porteus

Newcastle-raised Jessie Porteus will never forget her first legal showdown. At 15, as part of her high school’s mock trial team, she prosecuted a person…

A rose by any other name

For new state Attorney-General Brad Hazzard, the renaming of the Department of Attorney-General and Justice is a hollow exercise that does nothing to diminish his…