Antiracism chatbot and wellbeing site offer access to justice

An Australian-first mental health chatbot aims to help people heal from racism and improve access to justice.

Law Society pushes for access to justice to be a priority of incoming Government

The Law Society of NSW is ready to establish a “productive working relationship” with Premier-elect Chris Minns, pushing for key law and justice initiatives, including…

Court resourcing focus of legal advocacy ahead of State Election

More than 90 per cent of solicitors in NSW want to retain the flexibility offered by technology used during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a…

Six minutes with Kimberley Wilson

Yuin and Bidjigal woman, Kimberley Wilson has been at the helm of Legal Aid NSW’s Aboriginal Services branch since June 2022, and says it is…

Artificial intelligence to help the most vulnerable

Two new projects will improve access to justice for vulnerable people.

Breaking down barriers: Will our courts ever be colour-blind?

Whether it’s First Australians or those more recently arrived on our shores, persons of colour face a multitude of barriers in accessing justice. As recent…

Domestic violence victims cry out for additional court resources

Domestic violence victims are being forced to live out abusive and dangerous situations as they wait for their matters to be heard in overflowing courts.

The case that changed me – Sarah Schwartz

Sarah Schwartz writes about one of her first court appearances as a solicitor for Legal Aid NSW, which led to an important decision about state…

UN admonishes Australia for alarming record on women’s rights

Australia has come under fire for what the United Nations has labelled an “alarming” record on action for women’s rights.