Deceased estate transfers: risks and tips for navigating a transfer duty minefield

An oversight when transferring dutiable property from a deceased estate can leave a beneficiary exposed to a significant duties notice.

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Tax traps – beware the Division 7A snake pit

Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 is a poisonous well of hissing snakes for general practitioners, writes JIM MAIN.

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Handing down the family farm without NSW duties

Handing down the family farm without NSW duties – a guide to the new Revenue NSW Ruling.

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Timing is everything: End of financial year considerations

Some salutary lessons in end of financial year tax stings.

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Nobody knows everything: Taxes and the administration of deceased estates

Why it pays to get some help with taxes in the administration of deceased estates.

By - 2 min read

What is a declaration of trust for stamp duty purposes?

NSW Court of Appeal delivers welcome clarity on the definition of a ‘declaration of trust’ for stamp duty purposes.

By - 1 min read

GoFundMe: The gift that keeps on giving?

A closer look at the complex legal issues raised by crowdfunding platforms such as GoFundMe.

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A matter of trust: Working together to avoid hidden tax stings

Stinging examples of why lawyers and accountants need to work together on trusts and succession.

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NSW duty and land tax surcharges to impact discretionary trusts

Trustee of a discretionary trust owning NSW residential property? What you need to do before 31 Dec to receive an exemption & refund for foreign surcharges.

By - 2 min read

Accountants vs lawyers?

Why it’s better to work together when it comes to succession planning & restructuring.

By - 1 min read