Rushed reforms, uncertainty and more prisoners on remand: Recent changes to the Bail Act

If you ever appear in bail courts, it is essential that you grapple with the operation of s 22B. That is easier said than done.

By - 3 min read

A NAIDOC statement from the Law Society President

The political will has arrived, now give the Voice a timetable

By - 2 min read

Whistleblowing and the high cost of speaking up

Three men are presently before Australian courts charged with revealing information about the inner-workings of government agencies or the conduct of our armed forces. Such…

By - 17 min read

Respect@Work: What’s it going to take?

Will the Government’s Respect@Work response be enough to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace ?

By - 2 min read

Super fund underperformance in the rear-view mirror

Is the government’s plan to tackle underperforming super funds a backward step?

By - 8 min read

Progress at last, but are we headed for a Claytons Commission?

A compelling analysis of the long awaited Commonwealth Integrity Commission Bill.    

By - 2 min read

Trump, RBG, Barrett: Lessons from a juridico-political battleground

A fascinating look at the very public US Supreme Court appointment process & how it compares with the very private process for our High Court.

By - 3 min read

The case for a new tort of cyber harm

Keeping pace with technology and why we need a new tort specifically for digital privacy breaches.

By - 2 min read

Defamation reforms: Much Ado About Not Much

An opinion piece on the contentious New South Wales defamation reforms.

By - 3 min read

Why Bernard Collaery’s case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression

Why Bernard Collaery’s case is one of the gravest threats to freedom of expression.

By - 6 min read