Shaking up the RSL

A lawyer with experience in the army, air force and police force has stepped up to revitalise the Returned and Services League.

By - 1 min read

A test of endurance

For litigation lawyer and arbitrator Tim Griffiths, penning his first novel about legendary Australian photographer Frank Hurley was an exercise in patience, creativity and passion.

By - 2 min read

Wheels of history

At 198cm in height, Michael Rose only just fits inside his restored Morris Minor.

By - 2 min read

A diamond among the pearls

For leading construction lawyer AMANDA DAVIDSON OAM, life is a hectic schedule of parenting, career and raising money for medical research in a field close…

By - 1 min read

A healthy business

Law and business are a good mix, says Josh Sparks, whose paleo cafes are thriving.

By - 1 min read

Brush with the law

Art provides a wonderful balance for this lawyer who was thrilled to be named as a finalist in this year’s Archibald Prize.

By - 1 min read

A life inspired by Mandela

In 1976, a 19-year-old Richard Shakenovsky found himself in the South African police force, doing his mandatory national service.

By - 1 min read