Seven questions before the Voice can be heard: Learning from the past

The consultation and discussions around a Voice have been going on for close to seven years, but many basic questions remain unanswered.

By - 2 min read

Black letter law*

An exploration of how a black letter application of the Bail Act can command fairer outcomes for First Nations people.

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Ensuring accountability for First Nations deaths in custody

Shining a spotlight on Aboriginal deaths in custody, changing attitudes and the families mounting important new claims for justice.

By - 3 min read

The need for culturally appropriate wills for Indigenous Australians

Culturally appropriate wills and how they can be tailored to meet the unique needs of Indigenous clients.

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Native title: protecting culturally significant sites from development

The Torres Strait success story offering hope for culturally significant sites at risk from development.

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Best practice standards for representing Aboriginal clients

Legal Aid’s helpful guide provides guidance on issues impacting representation of Aboriginal clients.  

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What does it mean to be an Aboriginal child when it comes to adoption?

Recent NSWCA decision expands the definition of ‘Aboriginal child’.

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Police silence and Aboriginal deaths in custody

Contemporary decisions highlight concerns about police accountability and Aboriginal deaths in custody.

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The legal implications of Australia’s latest World Heritage site

The Budj Bim landscape is the first Australian site to be inscribed on the World Heritage List exclusively for its testament to Indigenous cultural heritage.

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What you didn’t know about the landmark Rocky Hill judgment

The significance of the landmark Rocky Hill judgment – beyond climate change. By JOHN WATTS, KEN EVELEIGH., MICHAEL MANIKAS AND JEFF KITE.

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