Digital ID in your practice: a guide for firms and their clients

New national Digital ID laws will change the game for data holders and be in force by December. Are you ready?

By - 1 min read

Cybersecurity and legal regulation: why it’s crucial to stay on top of cyber risk

In a 2022 Federal Court case, the court made it clear that regulators consider inadequate cyber security as a regulatory issue.

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Is IT the dominant purpose? Legal privilege and cyber attacks

Discussion of legal privilege use in the context of cyber attacks, how practitioners and clients are adapting, and how the courts are responding.

By , and - 2 min read

Reforming the Privacy Act for the modern era

Following the review of the Privacy Act, key reforms have been proposed to bring the Act into the digital age and minimise human rights risks.

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Data breaches: Must dos for prevention and notification

Regulated entities are expected to know their obligations under the Notifiable Data Breaches scheme and act in a timely manner.

By - 2 min read

Prevention, notification, compensation: Lessons from a government data breach

Recent NCAT decision provides a timely reminder for organisations sharing personal information by email to implement more secure methods for transmitting records.

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Navigating the legal consequences of ransom payments in the face of ransomware attacks

An increase in ransomware attacks has forced law practices to consider whether to pay the ransom however there may be criminal law implications.

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Building trust Part 3: Supervising new lawyers online

The final article in a three-part series examining how lawyers can foster trusting relationships with clients and colleagues online and in hybrid work arrangements.

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Building trust Part 2: Establishing trust in online and hybrid team settings

Part two in the series examines the ways in which managers can establish and maintain trust while working online or in hybrid arrangements.

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Application of s 912A(1) Corporations Act and cybersecurity obligations after ASIC v RI Advice

The Federal Court considers whether failure to manage cybersecurity risk and resilience breaches obligations under s 912A of the Corporations Act.

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